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جاري تحميل المنصة

منصة اغتناء للبرامج المسرعة

تاريخ البدء : 2022-08-23 02:41 PM التسجيل والأشتراك
  • مدة البرنامج: 30 ساعة
  • الرسوم: 250 ريـال
  • تاريخ انتهاء التسجيل: 2025-07-22 02:41 PM
  • موعد بدء البرنامج: 2022-08-23 02:41 PM
  • محاضرات متزامنة وغير متزامنة
  • مناقشات
  • تكليفات وواجبات
  • دراسة حالة
  • مشروع نهائي

أنشئ تطبيقك الأول للويب - Wep App

This (30 hours) program is created to meet the growing need for professional development and career growth in the following areas:

- Web Development

- Web Design

- Application Development

- E-Business and E-Commerce

- Social Media


The numbers of program courses: Six courses:

- Introduction to Web Development

- Learning Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

- Learning Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

- Learning JavaScript

- Web App Interaction

- Deploying your Web Application

- The final project will focus on applying the knowledge, skills and competencies learned from

the program, which enable trainers


  • كونر ادو بادوا فيزكارا
  • المقرر: Introduction to Web Development
نبذة عن الدكتور
  • Doctor in Information Technology (present) Saint Paul University Philippines, Philippines.
  • Mobile Applications Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Data Structures


  • كونر ادو بادوا فيزكارا
  • المقرر: Learning HTML
نبذة عن الدكتور
  • Doctor in Information Technology (present) Saint Paul University Philippines, Philippines.
  • Mobile Applications Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Data Structures


  • كونر ادو بادوا فيزكارا
  • المقرر: Learning Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
نبذة عن الدكتور
  • Doctor in Information Technology (present) Saint Paul University Philippines, Philippines.
  • Mobile Applications Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Data Structures


  • مايكل جوبيلانوس فينيرو
  • المقرر: Learning JavaScript
نبذة عن الدكتور

Master in Information Technology, Colegio de Dagupan. Visual Graphics Design National Certificate III holder valid until 2022. Social Media Specialist at Charms Technical Services L.L.C. Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation Inc. Member, NCR Chapter. COMPUTER PACKAGES: Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle 10g, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, MS OFFICES, Android, iOS.

  • مايكل جوبيلانوس فينيرو
  • المقرر: Web App Interaction
نبذة عن الدكتور

Master in Information Technology, Colegio de Dagupan. Visual Graphics Design National Certificate III holder valid until 2022. Social Media Specialist at Charms Technical Services L.L.C. Philippine Society of Information Technology Educators Foundation Inc. Member, NCR Chapter. COMPUTER PACKAGES: Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle 10g, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, MS OFFICES, Android, iOS.

  • كونر ادو بادوا فيزكارا
  • المقرر: Deploying your Web Application
نبذة عن الدكتور
  • Doctor in Information Technology (present) Saint Paul University Philippines, Philippines.
  • Mobile Applications Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Data Structures


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